Mother’s Day Gifts


Name:                          Date:






Red =flowers

Blue =homemade gifts

Pink =candy


 50      45        70         20




Mr. Loaiza’s  class took a survey of the children at CASD. They asked the children what they were giving their mother for Mother’s Day. Read the key and look at the bars that represent each item. Answer the questions.


  1. Which gift was the most popular?

a. Cards               b.   flowers                c.   homemade gifts            d.   candy


  1. Which gift was given least?

a. Cards               b.   flowers                c.   homemade gifts            d.   candy


  1. How many mothers got candy?

a. 50                     b.   45                         c.   70                                     d.   20


4. How many children were surveyed?

a. 165                   b.   195                      c.   185                                   d.   180



            a          b          c          d

1.         O         O         O         O

2.         O         O         O         O

3.         O         O         O         O

4.         O         O         O         O


Send your answers to before Sunday, May 10th, 2009. If you’re one of the first three students with the correct answers in your class, you’ll get an extra E !!!......... Hurry up!!!